Friday, March 20, 2009

Strange Naptime Dream

I fell asleep on the couch today after my husband got home.  My dream was interesting:

I was at some sort of convention or assembly hall with my family and kids.  There was a man dressed in a strange costume, kind of like Cirque du Soleil, with an extremely long tail stuffed and made of cotton cloth.  It kept falling off and ending up in other places.  He was apparently some part of the performance in the main hall.  To see the performance and sit with the audience, we kept having to go through tiny doorways through which I barely fit.  First I would lift my kids and help them get through the openings.  Then I would squeeze myself through.  In my head, I was thinking how everyone must be so impressed that I could fit through such a small opening, but it appeared that no one was paying me or my impressive-squeezing-ability any attention.

After getting inside I kept having a confrontation with an obnoxious woman because we were "disturbing" the performance for her.  She lost her pen and blamed me.  I kept trying to help her find it and finally just moved to a different seating area, though she kept giving me dirty looks.  I had to go back into the hallway, where we were originally when we saw the man with the extremely long tail.  BUT this time I didn't have to squeeze out through the same opening through which I gained entrance.  There was a door to the side that I hadn't noticed before.  From then on I entered and exitted the seating area(s) through the regular size door.  Sometimes I was carrying the man's cotton tail with me, though it was so long that it was burdensome.  Carrying it through the door proved much easier than through the small opening we squeezed through initially.

I don't remember how it ended because my husband woke me up to ask me a question... so I guess it didn't really have an end.

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