Saturday, March 21, 2009

Undercover Research

My dream last night:  I was helping do some undercover work which took me to some shady parts of town where I was ducking in and out of abandoned buildings, spying on drug dealers, and trying to avoid getting shot.

Then, I was going up countless flights of stairs to find several different researchers and retrieve their research binders.  I had my oldest son in tow, but he was only about 2 or 3 years old in my dream.

We stopped for Asian food in the lobby of one of these buildings.  The server suggested some things but then the chef ran out the door.  The server asked if we wanted to come to the kitchen to see how the food is prepared.  We agreed, went to the kitchen, and started preparing our own food.

We received word that someone was looking for us.  It was not someone good, so we quietly and casually left the building.  Once outside on the sidewalk, we tried to act as normal as possible as we were approached by the bad people.  Fortunately they did not know what we looked like, so we were able to walk away after a brief chat.


Just prior to this dream I had two back-to-back episodes of Sleep Paralysis.  They were just small ones.  Very short in duration.  Nothing scary in them.  I was just trying to wake up and I couldn't.  Suddenly I did wake up, but I didn't change position fast enough and fell right back to sleep, back into sleep paralysis.  I was trying to awaken myself from this second episode of sleep paralysis when I heard my husband enter the room, as he had been watching television in the living room.  As he got in bed he touched me and it woke me up from the sleep paralysis.\

Usually I am scared during sleep paralysis, but these were so short that my heart wasn't even racing when I woke up.

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